Beef “Barbeque” Sandwiches
April 27, 2023 • 0 comments

- (1 1/2 lbs.) Champlin’s grass-fed ground beef
- (1/2) yellow or white onion
- (1/2) red and/or green pepper
- (1) rib of celery
- (1/2 cup) tomato ketchup
- (1/2 tbsp.) yellow mustard
- (1/2 tsp.) Worcestershire sauce
- (1 can) tomato soup (we usually go with something organic and no HFCS)
- (1 tbsp.) oil

Make sure you take out your beef from the freezer at least a day in advance to make sure it’s thawed out. If it's not completely thawed, it’s ok for this recipe, as you should be able to fully break it up as it warms in the fry pan.
Chop onions, celery, and peppers. If you have picky kids, or spouse, you may need to chop them pretty fine.
Put the oil into a medium size fry pan, chop up and brown the ground beef on medium heat in the pan. I prefer to use Avocado oil for higher temp frying. Once pretty much browned, add the onion, peppers, and celery. Continue to fry for another 3-4 minutes until softened. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until combined well. Lower the heat all the way and simmer (I prefer with a lid on) for another 5-10 minutes. Eat all by itself if you’re going low-carb, or find a great bun to serve it on.